Great marriages are made. And the things that make them great are the things that help keep them great. Even the best of marriages can deteriorate if a couple neglects little courtesies and acts of service and affection.
Getting Through a Shopping Trip With Kids—With Ease
You are making a new recipe for dinner tonight, hoping to impress your husband. But you realize you don’t have two of the ingredients. Now you will have to load up the kids and run to the store.
Courtesy 123RF/Dmitry Kalinovsky
The last time you attempted taking all of them for just a short shopping trip, you wound up listening to kids squabble, constantly saying no to their many requests of things to add to the shopping cart, running short of cash at the checkout, and having to threaten discipline for too many misbehaviors.
The One List You Should Make Every Day
5 Minutes That Guarantee A Better Day
All of us are busy. Although many often complain about being too busy, they are really lamenting they aren’t busy with the most important things. Are you busy doing what you want and feel you are proactively working towards those goals most important to you? Or, are you running ragged reacting to the demands of others and circumstances?
Productive people are proactive rather than reactive. Things happen mainly because they plan their work, then work their plan.
What Do You See In Your Child?
Perhaps A Bit More Awe And Wonder Is Called For
People see kids differently. Many see welcome members of the family. Some see an unexpected “accident”. Some see the carriers of the family name—and family business.
As a young dad, I got a glimpse of a different view of kids that changed me forever. It came through a song written hundreds of years ago by Israel’s King David. It’s found in Psalm 127:3-5 and says,
The Power Of Agreement In Marriage Before Action
Saving Yourself Headache and Heartache By Working Toward Consensus
NOTE FROM KIRBY: I couldn’t give a bigger “Amen” to what Gail is about to share. I can honestly say that the biggest mistakes, especially financially, we’ve made over the years have been when not in agreement. And most were due to me either moving ahead unilaterally or talking her into something she really didn’t feel good about.
When we first got married, I remember being amazed that my husband and I had more differences than I’d realized. Even when it came down to little decisions, he wanted one thing and I wanted another.
Every newlywed couple is convinced they are so much alike. It can be a rude awakening—and scary—to realize they’re not. That’s not a bad thing. But each couple does need to learn how to work toward agreement in their marriage to prevent headache and heartache.
Concepts, Steps, And Resources For A Healthier Life
Every Great Journey Begins With One Step
I’ve written about why I shifted to a plant-strong eating plan and Gail recently shared her experience in doing the same. Consequently, we’ve been getting a lot of questions about where does a person even start.
Courtesy 123RF/Wavebreak Media Ltd
I was highly motivated because of my diagnosis with early stage, slow-growing prostate cancer. You may be wanting to make improvements yet may not desire to make as an abrupt change as I did.
Refocus And Recharge By Strategically Retreating
Tapping Into The Ancient Practice Of Solitude And Prayer
Picture an army retreating. Next, think of a time when you were so overwhelmed by the pace of life that you wanted to run away. The connotation of those images is one of defeat—cowardly running away.
But the principle of the retreat is a very strategic military maneuver when designed to regroup to come back more effectively.
How I Shifted To A (Mostly) Plant-Based Diet
Gradual, Guilt-Free Choices With Amazing Benefits
I’m often asked why I eat a mostly plant-based diet. My husband made that change almost five years ago when he was diagnosed with early prostate cancer. Rather than follow through with the conventional medical treatment options, he chose to improve his health by first changing his diet.
Courtesy 123RF/Olena Danileiko
But my story is a bit different. When I met my husband, I outweighed him by 25 pounds. When he first asked me out on a date, I decided that I either had to lose some weight or just not date him. I opted for the former.
A Bit Of Silliness Makes Marriage Better
So much of life is serious. And rightly so—being safe, preparing financially for the future, building a business, raising kids. All serious matters.
But if you’re not careful, you can get too serious. Too serious gets heavy. Too serious drains energy. Too serious makes one cynical.
Establishing A Family Policy For Screen Time
Intentionally Embracing The Pros And Minimizing The Cons
This isn’t going to be a screen-bashing post. I do admit to a love-hate relationship with technology. I get giddy about any new Apple product. I spend hours a day before a screen. I also get really agitated at times from digital overload and frustrated when things don’t work right.
But it’s our reality—we live in an increasingly digital world. There are pros and cons to our screens. You shouldn’t throw the baby out with the bath water.
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