Do you have a stack of unread books, unplayed podcasts, and videos saved under “watch later”? Chances are you do because most of us have the sincere desire to learn and to grow. But those lists and stacks of resources that we hope to tap eventually become more of a haunting reminder that we’re getting no where fast.
I’m a serial learner and always have plenty of books, audiobooks, podcasts, and videos in the hopper. But I’ve been through many seasons where I’ve proven to be a better gatherer than actual student. During those times I’ve often whined about not having enough time.
Maybe you’ve said the same thing. Yet the truth is we have a treasure trove of small yet hidden blocks of time everyday just waiting to be tapped for our personal growth.
These time blocks are a part of our daily routines yet are often missed opportunities—small amounts of time to chip away at valuable resources that move us forward. Here a just a few examples.
5 Everyday Time Blocks For Personal Development
- Your morning routine. You know I’m a big advocate of having an energizing morning routine. It’s the time to stack some powerful habits together to start your day on purpose for your purpose. That should include a bit of reading for personal growth. Even 5-10 minutes each morning allows you a chance to read 5-10 pages in book from that stack by your nightstand. It’s amazing how many books you’ll read in a year with just this simple habit.
Morning shower/grooming. The average American takes 25-35 minutes a day showering/grooming/dressing. For a while this year I got sucked into the habit of listening to the morning national news via a streaming app on my phone. What a waste! Although I’m interested in the election year news, you can only listen to so much of that and other negative or trivial news. I can listen to a podcast every day in that same time that’s building me up instead.
Exercise. Another great time to listen to a podcast or audiobook. Improving your mind at the same time you’re pushing yourself physically also revs you up emotionally—what a bonus! Another easy 20-30 minutes just got better.
Commute. Average commuters spend 20 minutes just one way. I think it was John Maxwell who called this Commuter University. This is a great time to listen, learn, and get motivated. A daily round trip can give you 20-40 minutes easy. This applies to any time you’re traveling by car or public transportation.
Meal prep. The kitchen can easily become a classroom while working. Access to a TV makes educational/motivational videos an option. Even if you can’t watch steadily, you can listen. Audiobooks and/or podcasts work as well. One could easily find 20-30 minutes a day while preparing meals, cleaning dishes, etc.
Just tapping into one of these time blocks could give you 20 minutes or more a day. Using all of them could give you 1.5-2.5 hours a day! What would that feel like?! Choose one of two and start working strategically on becoming a better you.
Question: How do you reclaim hidden time blocks for personal development? Share your answer in the comments below.